Catalogue of Bibliolages
Catalogue of Hyper-Illuminated Books
2023 (7)
- The Ubiquitous Pig Audubon Engagement Calendar
- Hogarth Outgrowths
- The 'Book of Post-Raphaelites
- The Nothing King Bücher der Heiligen Schrift
- The King of Nothing Fantasy
- Babes, Beast, and Brawn: A Passionate Collaboration, Sculpture of the Fantastic
- Ceci n'est pas une Magritte
2022 (10)
- All for Andover: You Can't Go Home Again
- All for Andover: Discipline and Punish
- The Museum of the Modern Art Barn
- The Netsuke at Mono Lake (redux)
- Ben Finds a Fantasy
- Eva King Projects
- Stopping by Dinosaurs on a Snowy Evening
- Victorian Expressionismus
- Simple Plastics: How Japanese Toys Conquered the Shakers in America
- Precision Cherubs for Body & Mime/Babies of Illinois
2021 (11)
- Wild & Wonderful Weather--2021 Wall Calendar
- Much Loved Dirty Wow Wow of America
- Earthscapes and the Beast
- Journey to the Nephi Abinadi Mormormormormon
- Capturing the Moment Nonstop Dancing
- Abstract Whiz-Bang
- American Originals Dance Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Haunted Homes Icky Icky
- The Netsuke at Mono Lake of Ueda Reikichi
- The State Park of California Ulenspiegel: 2022 calendar
- Space Body: 2022 calendar
2020 (8)
- Ways of Seeing Sex & Death in Marriage
- EI Through a Glass Darkly SENS TAEDT Ocular
- Real West Sites & Structures
- Divine Comedy: Herman Inferno, The Far Side Purgatorio, Charles Addams Paradiso
- A Way of Seeing Sex & Death in Marriage
- The American Elephants
- We Are Kate Greenaway
- The American Strongman or Not!
2019 (9)
- My Dolly's Home by Valentino Pucci Chanel
- The Forbidden Springs of Joy
- Cuba Baba Bible
- Owls of Old Time
- Pun Chaos Pun Couture
- The Naive Art of Abandonment
- Acid? Free
- Shakti Uncle Wiggily
- Little Lord Fauntleroy in Wonderland: Judo
2018 (8)
- Feuerman Vermeer
- The Dark: New Nude
- Full Moon Dancing
- Raggedy Ann and Ayn Rand: The Lonely Ones
- An Artist Poops
- The Americans China
- Condoleezza Liberace
- Ralph Gibson Grünewald El Greco Cosmode
2017 (5)
- Sunset: The Magazine of Victorian Living
- Shameless Chic by Accident: Savage Art
- West Point: The Collection 2017
- Sick Kitsch: More Than the Body in Question
- Marvel US Place
2016 (10)
- The Dark Erotic Literature--NC 17
- The Dark Secret Language of Sleep--PG 13
- The Dark Art of Disney Bible and How They Lived--G
- The History of This Is My Wish for the Future
- The Nothing King: Special Cases
- Sports Illustrated Leaves of Ass
- Indians of the Heidi
- Post-Modern Prairie Schoolhouse
- The Art of the Far Out East
- 50 Photographs Black and White
2015 (11)
- The Young King Vargas
- Lively Reading Woman
- Cirque du Primitive City Spaces Avatar
- The Dark Sexology--R
- Arnold Palmer Ruins Eurotard Dancewear
- Maximalist Interior Body Shots
- Time of Clearer Twitterings--Cheese
- Crime Like a Soprano
- Adam Sandler: Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death: America's Comedian
- Edward Weston: The Form of the Nude Clown
- Understanding the Far Eastern Western Horizon of Healing
2014 (11)
- Hummel Faust at War
- People of the Wisdom of Buddha
- Human Anatomy in the Romantic Style
- The Romantic Landscape: Human Anatomy
- It's a Girl Thing: Vivilore
- Norman Rockwell: Faith in the Soviet Image
- Big Farmer Big Jesus
- Why Not Say What Happened Inside the White House?
- Vlaminck Dinosaurs
- A Pictorial History of the American Boatry
- Everyday Dogs Redone
2013 (12)
- A Book of Bibliolage
- Early MAnthropologie
- Webster's International The Stones of Summer Dictionary
- Populuxe Scenery and Lighting
- Little Merry Road Trips de la Biblia
- eXtreme garden golf viXens
- Yogi the Bear: "I Really Didn't Say Everything I Said"
- Extra Buttons (after Bruegel)
- Frank Lloyd Wright's House Liberated
- Beneath the Rose Theatre
- Space Gods of the Gods
- Abstract Options
2012 (14)
- Bathrooms of Belief
- Organic Gray Grain Koans
- A Summer’s Day Man, Myth, and Magic
- Nu Sexpuppen Icones
- The Commedia dell’Arte of Andrew Wyeth
- Armed America: ‘Toons for Our Times
- After Nature and on the Eighth Day
- On the World of the World of the Art of Art
- Zapata Geisha
- Water Babies Ten Commandments
- The Diagnosis of Wild, Weird, and Wonderful Nervous Diseases
- Medieval Guardians of Being Dead
- Edward Hopper Hopper
- Frank Sinatra: The Robot Who Found America
2011 (22)
- Charley Harper: Mystic Quests
- Tarzan Nightmares in the Sky
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull Nude
- The Capacity to Be Alone
- Dali’s Must Ache
- The NRA Guide to Bambi
- Infinity Cartoons
- Chakras the Little Me and the Great Me Kundalini
- American Rooms in Miniature und die Moral von der Geschicht
- Gina Lollobrigida Aubrey Beardsley Stealth
- A Walk in the City: Max und Moritz
- In Response to Place
- Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Max Beckmann
- Keaton Capote
- The WET Workout: Private Pepper Comes Home
- I Wonder Why to Buy an Elephant
- Uncle Wiggily Goes Camping Beyond Science
- Martha Stewart’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination
- Many Are Called People
- Dangerous Liaisons First Seen
- Arbus Apocalypse Easter Dinosaurs
2010 (24)
- Theses on the Philosophy of History/Verso
- Tell Me About Jesus Snakes
- Elie Tahari: Tombs, Graves & Mummies
- Revenge of the Sith Chinese Painting
- Urban Anxiety
- Ein Pilegrims Vandring Conquest of the Moon
- Now We Are Sex
- Amnesiac Warriors
- Dali Dali Dali
- My Very Own Other Worlds
- Just So I Play Golf
- Life Legends of Owls
- The Plain People Space Walks from the Ozarks
- Comic’s Greatest World Gift of the Magi
- ABC Red Army Uniforms of World War II
- On the Pulse of Morning I’m Going to Saks
- Exposed Images of America at Edge 55
- Found Paris
- The Best of the Pirelli Picasso
- Light Years Die Welt
- Youth Under Dictators into the Unknown Jesus
- Baryshnikov: A Woman of Style
- It’s a Wonderful Red Balloon Life
- Cats Dogs
2009 (9)
- Greece Sports Mosaics
- The Pioneers Believe It or Not
- Twisted Yoga
- A Visit to the Hospital
- This Is Water
- Rousseau: The History of Medicine (second version)
- Giotto Gorey
- The Gift of Nothing Object Lesson
- The Smithsonian Boo of Invention [sic]
- Ein Pilgrims Vandring Conquest of the Moon
2008 (4)
- Popular Swann’s Way, Illustrating and Describing the Animal Kingdom with its Wonders and Curiosities
- The Olympics Cowboys and Indians
- The Real Mother Goose Sex Book
- McGuffey’s Second Eclectic Reader
2007 (6)
- Redstone Diary
- National Gallery of Art weekly diary
- Rousseau: The History of Medicine
- Dürer Doré Duras
- Americana
- The Book of Ruth Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
2006 (1)
- The Anomalous Atlas of La
2005 (1)
- The Haunted Family of Man Screen Manga
2004 (1)
- Wo ist der Heiliger Geist?
2003 (2)
- Clepsydra
- Revised New Testament
2002 (1)
- Incunabular Pictionary of the New Practical Standard Dictionary Lexikon of the New World Dictionary, Based on the Labours of the Most Eminent Lexicographers
187 total, as of Dec. 2023
