
My one-act play: "Les Mots Justes, or Hold Your Tongue" in Alone,Together anthology
This 6+ hour festival of Zoom plague-inspired theater took place on June 6, 2020, sponsored by UCSB's play development program LAUNCHPAD--39 plays, 24 playwrights.
And I was among them with this 10-minute play "Les Mots Justes, or Hold Your Tongue"
Now an anthology of all these plays has been published by Dramatic Publishing Company, and I was happy to be the editor of this book since it gave me the opportunity to work with a great group of professional playwrights.
Here is UCSB's press release on the publication:
The wonderful performance of my play can no longer be seen on the internet because all these plays are now licensed for others to produce, but contact me if you'd like to read my script. Here is a link to the festival website:
Here is the Dramatic Publishing Company's page on the book, which is not available except electronically now but will soon be in print: