Arnold Palmer Ruins Eurotard
Ruins: Photographs of a Vanishing America by Brian Vanden Brink, Introduction by Howard Mansfield (Down East, 2009)
Arnold Palmer: A Personal Journey by Thomas Hauser with the cooperation of Arnold Palmer (San Francisco: Collins Publishers, 1994)
The Classic Palmer by John Feinstein, photographs by Walter Ioos (NY: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2012)
The PGA World Golf Hall of Fame Book by Gerald Astor with the Professional Golfers' Association of America (NY: Prentice Hall, 1991)
Eurotard Dancewear Catalogue 2015
Voight: Precision Training for Body & Mind by Karten Voight (NY: Hyperion, 1996)
"These photographs speak to us about loss, loneliness, and the inevitable endings of our grand plans." --Alan Magee, Artist, Cushing, Maine
"Home leaves us." --Howard Mansfield (7)

It has been a busy summer with much created, including some bibliolage videos, which I hope to post soon. But then, too, I've been ruining some books, including a book called Ruin, a large photo book of collapsed architecture. The delights of decay. Wonderful quantities of emptiness to fill.
Age does that to you, pull you back into the emptiness of time past, give you the urge to glue something into it.
Only what?
It took a while to find something right, and then I realized it should be Arnold Palmer. Palmer was a winner when these structures were new.
And an army followed him, of the sort that wouldn't alarm, in the day of the bomb: Arnie's Army.
Then Nicklaus came along, and the winning got harder.
No one showed the struggle to win better—and the pain of loss, a missed putt, a flier from the fairway into the trap, a drive that went the wrong way.
I got about two thirds of the way through the Palmering of Ruin before I knew something was missing.
Then one day I was in the department mailroom, and there in the recycling bin was this Eurotard catalogue.
Somehow that seemed right.