Cuba Baba Biblé
6.2" x 9.3"
Bible Ad-speak Cuba
"The images contained in this book do more than mirror reality in Cuba."
"No matter how hard we try, everything, even our own bodies, slowly decays, but the effect can be very beautiful."
Cuba Baba Biblé—August 21, 2019
What goes well with Cuba, the book of photographs?
Christianity and consumerism.
Sort of fun to make those incursions . . . er, obvious.
Sort of obvious to make those incursions . . . er, fun.
And I enjoyed making a neat box for it out of a book I was allowed to scavenge from the Elverhoj Museum in Solvang.
It's called Erhververnes Funktionaer Stand.
And more
And more
And more
And, yes, more